Usual topics range from "Old Remedies", "How To Make a lot of Money", "Secrets to Health/Longevity", "Forgotten Recipes", "Free Grants from Gov't ", "Building Specs or sketches", "Various Tutorials", "Canning Food", "Outdoor Survival", "Specialized Diets", even "How to make your lover obsess over you"... but would you take my word for it if I said it's all a waste of money?
Take this one for instance, supposedly one of their top sellers.
***why would pay money to find out how a Marine can lose 1 lb in 72 hrs? if you already exercise & diet, chances are you already know how, without throwing your money away on this junk.
Another example, which I will refer to as "malarkey", is this one:
***what makes them think they are uniquely qualified to tell you how to make money beyond your wildest dreams? well, they're getting rich by extorting money from you!
If you scroll to the bottom of such sites, you'll see CLICKBANK which is nothing but a bunch of generic materials anyone can find for free all over the internet!!! You won't receive any fancy books, it's all ebooks or pdf files, so why would you pay an arm and a leg for junk being peddled as treasure?
***always scroll to the bottom!
I used to use this service and i can personally tell you, it's nothing but a well scripted sales pitch with no real substance! The products have no value, they look and feel like quick-fix scams, they are poor quality and good luck trying to get a refund!
Let's say, you're reading the National Enquirer and you turn to the page with all the crazy ads. Notice how cheesy they are? You wouldn't spend your hard earned money on stuff like that, right? The same goes with ClickBank.
Here are some of their other worthless items making the rounds on the internet. Don't get cheated!
- Numerology. $37.00 Buy Now.
- Vooluu Green Protein Shake. $89.95 Buy Now.
- Organifi. $57.95 Buy Now.
- Paleo Restart. $35.00 Buy Now.
- My Bikini Butt. $47.00 Buy Now.
- Surviving the Next Pandemic. $37.00 Buy Now.
- A Real Art Lesson. $29.97 Buy Now.
- The Tiberian Growdome System. $37.00 Buy Now
***Now look for these on Ebay and you'll see they sell for .99 cents!!!
But don't take my word, look at all the complaints and negative reviews on Consumer Affairs website.